
“A change of generation”

To read the full SATURDAY issue, click here.


You are invited to VILLAGE SUMMIT 2021 as our guest

How long will the COVID lockdown last – until end October most say.

This is why we will be in your city in November and December for our one day VILLAGE SUMMIT 2021. It may be the first opportunity to bring you and your village management team together – which would be a great experience.

We expect over 600 delegates and don’t forget all Members of our DCM Institute are invited to attend as our guests. 

Perth 11 Nov   Crown Perth
Adel   19 Nov   Crowne Plaza
Bris    26 Nov   Hilton
Melb  30 Nov   Crowne Plaza
Syd     2 Dec     Hyatt Regency

In each city we are delivering some of Australia’s top motivational, leadership and business speakers to you in your city, including Matt Church, ranked in the Top 10 motivational speakers worldwide.

This year’s VILLAGE SUMMIT is our thanks to you after a challenging 2021.


Managing unexpected budget increases in your village

It is that time of year, when many village professionals are nearing the end of the budget planning cycle and starting to present forecast budgets to residents. 

This year, there has been anecdotal evidence that many providers have experienced a variety of unexpected increases to budgets. These have ranged from large increases in insurance premiums, unexpected changes to utilities costs, increased compliance costs and of course, the old chestnut of unexpected maintenance costs that can easily cause budgets to go over the line.

Nevertheless, this is not a result to be feared.

In my experience, there are a number of steps that can be taken to bring residents on the journey to understanding and accepting unexpected budget increases.

They may include:

  • Ensuring the Village Manager is well educated on the budget and required responses
  • Predicting the likely questions and having the explanations easily available
  • Provide explanations to the obvious increases in plain English in the budget papers
  • Ensure a consultative process is used to explain significant increases
  • Liaise with the finance sub-committee as a sounding board and include them in meetings where appropriate
  • Approach individuals you are expecting to have concerns to offer the opportunity for an individual meeting
  • Hold an all-resident budget meeting to explain the increases and ensure residents have the opportunity to ask questions and have them answered
  • Provide an opportunity to have smaller meetings for those with deep concerns
  • Provide an opportunity for individuals to meet with the Village Manager personally to understand the budget
  • If you hear ‘street talk’ rumours, do your best to address them immediately

Remember to act with integrity, in an informed manner and with good intent, and to be confident to express yourself if challenged.