Latest industry developments

‘Mandated Buybacks’ – what are they and what do they mean for villages?

There is an increasing discussion by state regulators around mandated buybacks.

Started by QLD 18 months ago, the concept is that the operator of the village will be required to ‘buy back’ a home after a set period if it has not been sold.

The driver for governments has been the introduction of the accommodation fees in aged care, the RADs and DAP fees. A person moving from a village to a nursing home will be means-tested for income and assets – and may be required to pay either an upfront payment (RAD) or a daily accommodation fee (DAP).

The upfront payment (the RAD option) must be paid within six months of joining the aged care home. Up until when the RAD is paid, the resident will have to pay daily interest (the DAP amount) on a sliding scale dependent on their wealth.

The government sets the Maximum Permissible Interest Rate (currently 5.96%). If the RAD is $300,000, then until it is paid the DAP interest of $48.99 per day must be paid.

How does a village resident make these payments if they have not sold their village home?

The state governments are thinking of making this the operator’s problem by mandating the operator buys the home back.

This is a significant challenge. Operators explain that market demand, which depends on the price that the family wants for the home being rational and the home being reasonably refurbished, will dictate how quickly it sells, and the resident receives their money.

QLD has led governments and compromising, saying, ‘okay, but 18 months is the maximum time we will allow you to sell the home.’

VIC has added that they want the operator to pay the DAP from six months until the home sells, and then the operator can get this money back.

NSW is starting to talk about the operator having to buy the home back within six months in metropolitan areas and 12 months in regional areas.

For people who don’t understand the retirement village market, all of this sounds reasonable.

But is it? After all, the resident ‘owns’ the contract to the house, just like a normal home in the suburbs.

Often the family controls the sale price and the refurbishment investment, as well as when this work gets done. When does the 18 months start?

And the operator must accept non-binding deposits from elderly buyers who, understandably, are often slow in putting their homes on the market and achieving a sale. Meanwhile, the clock is ticking.

The impact on village owners will be significant, especially in today’s housing market.

With slow sales, operators can quickly build up a vacant stock of, let’s say, five homes they must buy back which is (at $400,000 a home) $2 million. This will mean a visit to the bank for a loan for most operators.

If half the industry has slow sales – 1,000 villages – in 18 months’ time this will equate to ($2M x 1000 =) $2 billion. The banks are unlikely to lend this because, at the same time, this pressure will drive the value of the village down.

It also means that operators won’t have cash to reinvest in the village, which will make homes harder to sell – and all residents will see a drop in the quality of the village and their experience, and the value of their homes.

This will also impact your ability to do your job well as a Village Manager.

Mandated buybacks is a very important issue for us all to follow and understand.

In QLD, operators are about to buy back the first round of homes that have been on the market for 18 months. So, it is a very real problem.

Ask your operator for their thoughts.


Key things to help you everyday

The new buzz term ‘Customer Experience’ – what is it and why is it important?

Has your owner or others been talking about ‘customer experience’, how important it is and how you should be implementing it?

What is ‘customer experience’ and why are we talking about it now?

We are talking about it for four reasons.

First, 19,600 residents in the January 2018 National Resident Survey told us that just 35% of residents felt they were ‘valued as a customer’ by head office and operators.

Not a good result generally – and it certainly demonstrates a lack of respect.

Second, if residents don’t feel that you value them, they are not going to recommend you (the village) to their friends. This impacts sales, which you know.

Third, sales enquiry has never been so important given the downturn in the housing market. Every village needs far more enquiries to achieve sales as deposits fall over while people try to sell their home.

Fourth, ‘regulation creep’ is occurring across the country. State governments are developing new rules to protect the lowest customer experience. If they don’t hear positive resident advocates, they will think all villages are the same.

And more regulations restrict your freedom to try new things.

Isn’t this just ‘customer service’?

No. Customer service is reactive – you are asked to do something, and you respond.

Customer Experience, on the other hand, is proactive – you do things before you are asked and your customer (your resident) has an unplanned positive experience – and appreciates it.

So, if you like, customer service is expected, while customer experience is an unexpected delight.

Good hotels do this very well. You arrive after a long trip with planes and traffic, check into your room and find a chilled bottle of wine waiting for you. Unexpected and appreciated.

Cost to the hotel may be $10, but it sets you up to liking the experience – and telling your friends.

These are great concepts, but how do you as Village Manager even start creating ‘customer experience’?

This buzz concept starts with the ‘customer journey’.

What this means is to understand what the customer is going through when joining and living in a village – and getting ahead of their expectations.

This is a big subject, and we can’t cover everything here, but we’ll come back to it in our next newsletter (also check our Village Manager Professional Development program).

However, here are some quick tips.

Traditionally in our sector, we are conscious of the Customer Journey between ‘enquiry’ and ‘move in’.  But what happens to our relationships with residents once they are settled in?

Take a step back and think – how do we consciously build relationships with residents (all residents)?

Do we interact more with those that seek us out, and the rest of our relationship is built on a monthly newsletter and a meeting here and there?

Do we have a planned strategy for keeping and developing strong long-term relationships with each resident?

It is important to ensure that there is a series of continuous different interactions with all residents so you can meet their long-term expectations, which may change over time.

Here are some simple ideas to get you thinking about proactive interactions with residents that can generate a very positive experience:

  • Monthly VM morning tea
  • Quarterly all resident update meetings
  • Monthly birthday lunches
  • closed Facebook groups
  • Neighbourhood events
  • attend or participate in local community activities together
  • Work on a project together
  • Operator funded village outings
  • Donation drives
  • annual clean out the cupboard garage sale
  • Sub-committee volunteer groups
  • Village consultation groups
  • Annual individual check-ins

Over the next few issues we will put more structure to the concept of ‘customer experience’.

Until then.
