Retirement villages are a really important member of the local community – invest in it

Many of us don’t think about how much a retirement villages contribute in the local community and how many people we touch.

100 residents each have two local friends and let’s say two local children – that’s 400 people and 400 families.

100 residents have doctors, dentists, hairdressers, pharmacists, clubs and shopping centres they buy from.

With 100 residents, you have a business that may be valued at $10M+ that spends money every week on maintenance and operations.

The village is important and you as the village manager are important to all these people.

And they are important to you.

To maximise the enjoyment of your role and the value of your village, for your residents and operator, our advice is to get out in the local community.

Here are some suggestions:

  1. Join a local community club or business council – it can be refreshing to network with other local business managers
  2. Ask your residents if they have any special local relationships that you can promote e.g. membership of local clubs, children who run local businesses
  3. Check the council website or visit their office to get the calendar of local events over the next 12 months to see what you can participate in
  4. Understand and promote what transport options are available to residents
  5. Promote local events in the village (special business sales, community events)
  6. Identify local businesses that can benefit both the residents & business owners and suggest some special deals e.g. the local butcher offers of a village special once a week or businesses that can deliver, offer seniors discount, or are willing to do a talk/host event for residents are a great start
  7. Inviting local community groups into the village for an agreed function/activity or be a guest speaker

I like to think as Village Mangers we are striving to be great Community leaders in every way.

It’s the last day of January so why not start the year on a fresh note.

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