High-rise villages gather momentum

Something for you to think about. Over the Christmas period a couple of new retirement village developments were announced, and they are big high-rise buildings.

How would you like to be managing a 21-storey retirement village with 142 apartments (pictured) Ozcare, a QLD not-for-profit operator, is going to build one 500 metres from Aveo’s 19-storey Newstead village.

Also, over Christmas, another QLD not-for-profit operator, Bolton Clarke (the old RSL Care) announced a 25-storey retirement village which will have 182 apartments.

In December the construction of a retirement village called U City topped out in Adelaide at 20 storeys. It is being built by another not-for-profit, Uniting Communities.

These are big and expensive projects; their cost ranges from $100 million to $200 million to build. They will take village management to a whole new level – which is exciting as it expands career opportunities.

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