You have the leadership skills so put them into action in 2020 and your community will reap the rewards…

I would like to share with you a few great tips from Janet Loli from the Forbes Coaches Council.  

Janet says: “Leadership development includes not necessarily learning new leadership skills but working consistently to practice the behaviours and skills that we know we should be practising but haven’t yet formed as habits.”

Some of us have great intentions and strive to be effective leaders but yet sometimes, due to pressure, not having enough time or resources or just being tired, impacts our performance. 

And sometimes our actions are not in alignment with the person we want to be or want to be known as.

Janet suggests perhaps in 2020 we focus on letting what we already know bloom, rather that leaving it to chance.

She says put pen to paper and write down a few areas you would like to shine as part of your 2020 goals and then reflect on it regularly.

Here is an example that looks so simple and obvious.

Leadership Capability:  I would like to be known as being a people-oriented leader

Actions required (tick these off in your mind on how you really rate): 

  • Take time to pause and talk with residents, and really listen 
  • Remember things that are important to individuals – birthdays, events, holidays etc (develop a system to help with this)
  • Acknowledge the contributions of residents/staff/volunteers – great or small (could be verbally or a small note/card)
  • Regularly seek out the thoughts opinions and ideas of residents/staff/volunteers
  • Hold back on judgement; acknowledge we all have a history that shapes our views
  • Act on your word, give your commitment and follow through (and develop a system to support this behaviour)

Try writing two or three of these and focus your 2020 actions and behaviours around them.

This will help move you from automatic reactions into a place of choosing your responses and your actions intentionally.

Come back every month and do a review; you will be amazed how much progress you will make and how good you will feel as a professional.

Remember: simple is good.

In February’s DCM Village Management Professional Development program we delve deeper into the Leadership skills, traits and capabilities that are required of a Village professional. 

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