Village Manager Handover checklist (Busy Busy silly season)

We are approaching the time of year as Annual meetings and Melbourne Cup moves slowly behind us we start to think about planning for Christmas decorations, celebrations and the holiday period.

Village professionals often find themselves running on empty at this time of year and take the opportunity to have a well-deserved break. Often in the lead up to the leave it is busy busy busy and a time where there are lots going on.

Whether you are having a relief manager stepping in for you or a team member manning the fort it is good practice to be starting to think about the tools, resources and information they may need to access whilst you are away (especially if you would like to avoid that call on Christmas day when the code to turn off the fire system can not be found).

Some of the items I like to go through with a relief manager include:

  • Site orientation/plan – utility shut off locations
  • Staff introductions, role, responsibilities, capabilities, rosters & norms
  • Introduction to Chair Resident Committee & Committee details
  • Village values/culture, decision making and communication policy explanation
  • Resident contact information
  • Service provider contact details & contract details
  • Emergency evacuation familiarisation & services contact details
  • Current budget guidelines, meeting minutes etc
  • Complaint management guidelines & policy
  • Current complaints in progress
  • Contractual explanation & likely anomalies
  • Resident file/documentation process
  • Explanation of delegation & accounting processes
  • Maintenance schedules

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