Retirement villages fill a huge gap in society – identified by the Royal commission

Retirement villages again and again come up as a great seniors alternative in the Royal Commission into Aged Care.

This has never been more apparent than this week when the Commission focus has been on family carers at home driven to breaking point, alone and with a home ‘not fit for purpose’.

The isolation of wives, husbands and children who become carers, with nobody to talk to day-to-day, nobody to provide even simple support – things like collecting extra groceries or even sitting down having a cup of tea or giving some support navigating the aged care system – has been heartbreaking.

The witnesses at the Mildura commission hearings talked of suicide, mental breakdown, broken marriages and broken families.

The concept of retirement villages, being a supportive community, homes designed for ageing, village management to provide support and financial certainty tick a lot of boxes.

Most importantly, when the carer is eventually on their own, they are not alone.

We forget these important points at times.


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