Aveo existing village resales down 44% over 12 months – 346 units behind​

Nobody would be happy with this result. It means that they are $30 million down in revenue compared to the previous year. That is nearly $600,000 every week that Aveo did not receive.

More importantly, it is 346 families who were or are waiting for the sale of the family unit, supporting one of the criticisms of the Four Corners/Fairfax program.

Of course, that program is the cause of the 346 families waiting!

And this is only Aveo. Many operators are suffering the same slow sales, meaning there are concerned families across the country. Is this your experience?

Pressure is now on all sales people (and village managers) to sell this build-up of stock. Families want the end of fees being charged, they want their money and operators want to avoid compulsory buybacks.

Effective marketing is more important than ever.

Here at villages.com.au, our customer search traffic continues to build – it’s now over 1.2 million village searches a year. Starting 1 September, we launch a 12-month radio campaign across major talkback and sports stations (including 2GB, 3AW, 4BC, 5AA and 6PM plus regional sessions) to drive potential customers to the retirement village proposition and villages.com.au.

Does your village have a promotional listings on villages.com.au to capture this enquiry?

If you have any thoughts on marketing retirement villages we would love to hear from you by return email or call on (02) 9555 9576.

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