Key things to help you everyday Things to watch

Elder abuse is real: what to look for, where to find help and access to policies

Last month we wrote about elder abuse being a key focus for the NSW Retirement Village regulator. In this edition we share some insights and resources.

Monday was World Elder Abuse Awareness Day and the CEO of Dementia Australia, Maree McCabe said:

“Based on international indicators, it is likely that between two per cent and 14 per cent of older Australians experience elder abuse in any given year, with the prevalence possibly higher during a time when people living with dementia were isolating at home.”

Some of the warning signs of elder abuse to look out for include:

  • Unnecessary levels of isolation by a partner, family or friend that go beyond government (COVID-19) restrictions
  • Changes in the older person’s behavior, with the person disengaging from family members, health, aged care and other services
  • The older person being prevented access to potential supports and modes of communication (such as phone or internet)
  • Large sums of money to pay for unspecified items are being requested or spent
  • Making threats of self-harm or expressions of hopelessness

Here are some hotlines that have trained professionals that can assist you with your concerns.

  • ACT – Older Persons Abuse Prevention Referral Line – (02) 6205 3535
  • NSW – NSW Elder Abuse Helpline – 1800 628 221
  • NT – Elder Abuse Information Line – 1800 037 072
  • QLD – Elder Abuse Prevention Unit – 1300 651 192
  • SA – Elder Abuse phoneline – 1800 372 310
  • TAS – Tasmanian Elder Abuse Helpline – 1800 441 169
  • VIC – Seniors Rights Victoria – 1300 368 821
  • WA – Elder Abuse Helpline – 1300 724 679

Elder abuse has been recognised by government and the village sector as an important component of the resident services that Village professionals provide. It is expected that operators have the required Elder Abuse policy and procedures to guide village professionals in these matters.

This will be especially so in becoming Code of Conduct compliant and/or striving to achieve Accreditation.

DCMI Village management professional development participants have access to templates for Elder abuse policy and procedures in the online Resource Bank. Check out our new DCM Institute portal here.

Key things to help you everyday

DCMI provides hands on support and resources to Village Managers with the introduction of our new Industry Links page

See here.

Unanimously feedback received from Village Managers across the country has been a desire to have a ONE STOP SHOP to seek support and resources relevant to their roles.

In a revamp of the new DCM Institute website the COVID 19 resource page has been bolstered with the introduction of a new Industry Links page enabling Village professional access to quick links in relation to:

  • Resident support
  • Legislation and regulation
  • Industry resources
  • Work health and safety
  • Trusted Industry Partners

Along with the existing COVID -19 page, these resource pages provide a great place to seek information in a quick and timely manner.

As does the Industry News section of the new website. It allows busy village professionals to search for past items of interest that may have appeared as topics in past Village Manager newsletter.


Watch: global deaths from COVID-19 overtake all other causes of death in 2020

This may be the best visualisation of the impact of the coronavirus that we have seen.

Check it out here.

As you can see, it traces the global causes of deaths including COVID-19 from January to May this year using data from the Global Burden of Disease study, Worldometers populations and the Johns Hopkins COVID repository.

In January, COVID sits at the bottom of the table with deaths from malaria (well ahead of the other causes), homicide and Parkinson’s Disease, drowning and meningitis topping the list.

But in early February, coronavirus overtakes natural disaster and begins to quickly rise, overtaking terrorism in mid-March and influenzas by 1 April.

COVID finally claims top spot above malaria on 25 April – finishing with just over 345,000 at the end of May, around 90,000 deaths in front of malaria with just under 257,000.

It’s incredible to watch – not least for the reminder that there are many other dangers out there including the flu and Parkinson’s Disease.

Latest industry developments

Village & care operator Bolton Clarke supports regional seniors as it expands its HOW R U? peer support telephone service check in service

This is a great service that you may find useful as a concept – and if you are in Victoria or Mid North Coast of NSW.

How R U is a program that matches older people who may feel isolated with a volunteer who will call them weekly or twice weekly over 12 weeks, or until social and physical distancing restrictions are lifted.

It is being championed by leading Not For Profit operator Bolton Clarke. Principal Research Fellow Adj Prof Judy Lowthian said the program was based on a pilot she conducted in Melbourne with older people discharged from emergency departments and hospitals.

“We know the importance of social connection for wellbeing – particularly at the moment,” Adj Prof Lowthian said. “With COVID-19 people are not having as much social contact as they did before.”

Under the program, which is already operating in Victoria, Bolton Clarke will work with volunteer organisation Friends for Good to match older people with volunteers who have similar interests.

“They provide social contact and talk about news, hobbies and shared interests. What we found in our initial program is that people felt they could tell their volunteer things they couldn’t discuss with their family, because there was a degree of anonymity. After 12 weeks we found people were waiting for the call and we were able to reduce feelings of loneliness and depression and improve wellbeing.”

The program is being expanded to be available to older people in the Lake Macquarie, Port Macquarie and Tweed-Hastings local government (of NSW).

The project is funded under the NSW Government’s Combating Social Isolation for Seniors during COVID-19 Grant Program.

If you are a Village Manager in these areas and know of residents that may benefit from this service, reach out to 1300 22 11 22.

What the research tells us

COVID-19: The positive influence on retirement communities….

On a weekly basis, I am delighted to receive emails from participants in the Village Management Professional Development program about the many wonderful initiatives that are being undertaken to support retirement living residents in their villages.

Tracey Palser, the Village Manager at Catalina Village on the NSW North Coast, shared with me a simple but yet very much appreciated strategy she has put in place for the dual benefit of residents and local food suppliers. 

On a Friday afternoon, the local seafood truck, a local Fruit & Veg truck and now a coffee van visit the village. This activity has created for the residents the opportunity to gather socially (social distanced of course), support local business and maintain their sense of community.

They have also run a Better Together campaign where residents are able to request or identify other residents in the community that may benefit from some help or just a kind thought.  

It really showcases the benefits of living in small communities where neighbours still help neighbours.

See the picture – a resident had been away nine weeks having medical treatment and upon return, one of their amazingly talented residents created the beautiful Welcome Home card, taking it around to be signed by sanitised hands across the village and delivered to her door along with these cheery balloons.  

This time in suburban Queensland, the team at Wesley Missions’ Wheller on the Park have been putting in place many activities to keep their community engaged.

Balcony exercises, pavement line dancing, a roaming poet, ladies’ choir sing-a-long, a musical duo – these all perform at various locations around the village. They also had a special appearance from Brisbane Jazz Club and the Queensland Symphony Orchestra.  Watch the video here.

The effort and creativity that is being displayed around the country is absolutely heart-warming – there is certainly no shortage of ideas. 

Key things to help you everyday

Time to adjust sales strategies and techniques – some practical tips

Having witnessed from afar the impact on retirement living sales during the 1980’s recession and personally been knee-deep in the impact the GFC had on retirement sales, I am confident that along with the many changes we are facing to the operations of villages, we too need to be adjusting in our sales strategies during the pandemic phase.

These changes will not only serve you well in the current climate but may also instigate strategies that will remain in your tool kit for the long term.

1. Stop selling. Start helping.

No one likes being sold to (and definitely not during a global pandemic). But people do tend to be grateful for genuine help and concern.

Move your sales approach from being focused on you, your agenda, and your product to being focused on your client. How can you help them? What help or knowledge may your organisation be able to provide during the pandemic? After all we are skilled in assisting this cohort!

2. Ask open questions

Ask open questions that focus on them and provide greater opportunity for engagement and connection such as…

  • How are you and your family adjusting to social distancing measures?
  • What sort of activities have you been able to keep up? 
  • What do you miss most?
  • Have you watched or read anything good lately?
  • Is there anything you have found useful during these times?
  • Do you need help in finding information or services?
  • Have you been running low on any supplies or found them difficult to get?
  • How can I help/be of service to you right now?

Listen to their answers. This will provide great opportunity for you or your organisation to perhaps go above and beyond – and be sure if they need help, help them – get them answers to their questions, follow up in a meaningful way, drop off a care package at their door.

3. Make an effort to move from face-to-face to voice-to-voice to (virtual) face-to-face.

Put some thought into who and how you are going to connect with various groups in your database. Make sure you add in the addition of some virtual activities. 

Obviously, a phone call is more personal than an email but a virtual connection is more personal again than a phone call. If your clients are practicing social distancing, then there is a chance they too are craving the visual contact. 

For you it also allows you to continue to put the face to a name and use their visual cues as signals during your discussion.

Apps like Zoom or Facetime are already being used to keep in touch with family and friends, so they are poised to accept this sort of communication from businesses as well.

4. Include more virtual events in your overall event planning.

COVID-19 has taught us nothing is out of the question – socially many of us have been having wine nights, book club, craft afternoons, exercise activity via an app like Zoom. So, interacting in these ways for information sessions, interviews, meet the neighbor events or get to know the team afternoons are certainly not out of the question either. Be creative – let your imagination run free – nothing ventured, nothing gained!

4. Clean up/update your CRM – and keep it updated.

No more excuses. You now have the time to clean up your CRM – anyone who knows me well knows I am a passionate CRM junkie. In my own personal experience, I have seen the strong correlation between good CRM management and long-term sales success time after time.

Again, you have the time right now. So, after every call – even the long ones – get in the habit of immediately updating the contact record in your database with notes, info on the follow-up actions, and any relevant tasks.

Importantly, put some time and thought into the categorising of each individual client – this is key in maintaining the most appropriate communication strategy for each individual.  

5. Get to know your community

With a little extra time on your hands, use this time to establish authentic connections with local influencers – butcher, baker, chemist, café, dress shop, hairdresser, doctor, physio etc. Find out from them how you can help them attract your target market, share with them the benefits of community living, share how passionate you are about the new shop local campaign – the opportunities are endless.

Further to this, look for opportunities to work with local community groups or councils on joint initiatives or apply for a community grants to run a program from the village for seniors in the wider community.

I am sure your residents will be a great source of inspiration for this activity. Establish your organisation as a strong part of the local community fabric.

Reporting Results

Challenged for time to sign up and implement the Retirement Living Code of Conduct? Now you have an extension – provisional registration is now available

The Code of Conduct is an important step in professionalising the retirement living sector. It provides a road map for best practice in resident relations and operations.

It was formally introduced five months ago by Leading Aged Services Australia (LASA) and the Retirement Living Council (RLC). More than 600 villages have now signed up – a great start. They include Bolton Clarke, Oak Tree, IRT, Goodwin, Southern Cross Care WA, Masonic Care WA, Living Choice, Ryman Healthcare, Aveo, Lendlease, Stockland, Australian Unity and RetireAustralia.

However, this leaves 1,600 villages to go. To help villages, a provisional period has been established, making it easier for you to go through the process.

The RLC’s Policy and Communications Officer – Retirement Living, Patrick Tilley, says the provisional period – which could range from six up to 12 months if approved by the Code Administrator, Dr Elizabeth Lanyon, will give smaller operators the time they need to become Code compliant.

Our DCM Institute Village Management Professional Development Program makes the Code a lot simpler; we provide participants with the tools and resources to become Code compliant.

Please get in touch with Judy Martin if you would like to know more about how to access these tools.

To find out more about the Code and Provisional Registration, click here.

Latest industry developments

We’re excited – you will be too, with our new, upgraded DCMI Knowledge Centre portal

It is really important for us to project the most professional image for Village Managers. A big part of this is the presentation and ‘smarts’ behind our website – for us and for you.

This week has seen the big achievement for our DCM Institute team with the launch of our latest in learning portals, the DCMI Knowledge Centre. Check it out HERE.

We think you will be impressed. It has been nine months in development since we discovered what we thought was the best when we were in Washington DC last year visiting Leading Age, the peak association over there and we saw their learning systems.

The new portal will offer existing participants in our Village Management Professional Development a truly great experience when you access your personal records – all of which have been transferred over from our old system, plus:

  • The latest learnings technology in our Knowledge Centre
  • The opportunity to personalise your learning journey
  • Retirement Living specific topics with a variety of learning elements – videos, articles, papers, interviews, resources and tools
  • An Online Resource Bank with over 150 operational resources, templates, policies and forms
  • An Online peer discussion board
  • 4 x Professional Development workshop days

Tailor your learning journey

It’s not just the launch of the new Knowledge Centre that is exciting but also the tweaks that we have made to the already successful annual professional development program. 

Over the coming months, the DCM Institute team will be working with a variety of Industry specialist partners to include additional topics of relevance to the Knowledge Centre, affording you the opportunity to tailor your learning journey to meet your individual skill development requirements and your interest areas.

These topics will further expand into areas such as sales, marketing, integrating care, infection control, business continuity, high rise asset management and more…

Things to watch

Reaching out to your local MP to get Telstra’s attention, especially with telehealth now an essential reality

Don’t you hate it when you are getting nowhere?

Recently Village Manager Vanessa White from OakTree Dural, an inaugural member of our DCMI Village Management Professional Development program, reached out to her local MP Justin Lesser as a last resort to assist her 18 month fight with Telstra to obtain suitable connections to phone and internet for the resident in her village.

OakTree Dural is just over 30km from Sydney’s CBD, yet residents have been unable to connect with doctors via Telehealth. The COVID pandemic has heightened her residents need to communicate via phone and internet with family, friends and importantly support services.

After nearly two years of unanswered requests and with no rectification in sight by Telstra,  Justin recognised the urgency and began a campaign to highlight to Telstra’s CEO that this situation was unacceptable.

His campaign was taken up by the Daily Telegraph, Allan Jones 2GB, Seven Nightly News and a number of smaller media outlets. Telstra got the message.

This is just one example of why establishing a sound working relationship with your local MP can be mutually beneficial. 

In our Village Management Professional Development program I am often heard preaching the benefits of maintaining working relationships with you local MP.  Whether it is to assist in situations such as this one, to provide support on grant programs, or to open the new veggie garden.

It’s easy. Invite them to talk to residents about what they are doing for the local community, and to have their photo taken. Remember, every resident has local family as well.

Think of it as a ‘win win’ relationship. You will get some access to additional support or information, you will be helping to educate our future Ministers on the benefit of Retirement Living and may even in cases like this one, get someone to champion your cause.

For the local Member they get recognition for assisting a large number of local constituents with an issue, the opportunity to meet local voters all in one place and be educated about retirement living for use in future party committees and discussions.

If you haven’t started that relationship with your local member already, put it on your ‘what I would like to achieve over winter’ list!

Key things to help you everyday

COVID-19 Living Choice resident ideas in lockdown

This week it came to our attention the many ideas that the Living Choice team have been dreaming up to support their residents in lockdown. Conveniently a few of them are on their website here.

A couple we liked were:

April Birthdays

With COVID-19 restrictions in place, it has been impossible to arrange the usual Birthday Bash events. Not wanting the residents to feel left out, the Living Choice Woodcroft team hatched up a plan to take the birthday celebration to the residents in their homes. The staff members made up 65 gift boxes for those who had missed out in March, April and May and on Friday 15th May, they delivered them all, singing “Happy Birthday” 65 times! 

Tasks to fill your days

Michael Gasking, who lives with his wife, Lois at Living Choice Fullarton, is known as the “go-to” man if ever you need anything made, repaired or polished! Most days, he can be found in the village workshop or in the basement, cleaning cars. He has some useful advice for those who need to fill their days in self-isolation.

  • Dismiss all negative thoughts
  • Polish the silver
  • Do a jigsaw
  • Read what your iPhone can do
  • Find out more about your iPad and Computer
  • Find out more about apps
  • Climb some stairs or steps
  • Walk around the neighbourhood
  • Learn some scripture
  • Tidy up your files
  • Shred or get rid of some paperwork
  • Go through your clothing and discard
  • Throw out more rubbish
  • Do some art, sketches, doodling
  • Look up some old recipe books
  • Clean your shutters and brickwork
  • Read your car instruction book
  • Throw out some books
  • Make some scones for a neighbour or friend
  • Do some crosswords or similar
  • Ring an old neighbour for a chat
  • Catch up with someone not doing so well
  • Read some of your long-forgotten books
  • Avoid too many movies
  • Swap plants with your neighbours
  • Recreate and replay your music collection
  • Write a letter as distinct from an email
  • Get out some of your old board games
  • Brush up on your First Aid skills
  • Learn a new skill via You Tube
  • Dust off an old musical instrument
  • Tell more of your life’s story
  • Explore digital news sources
  • Disinfect your car after shopping